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University of Californias' Guide for International Students

all right people if you're someone who dreams of working in the silicon valley or driving down hollywood or living the hustle life of california or basically just like me someone who likes to play gta this video is for you we are going to break down everything you need to know for the ucs or the university of california all of them the admission process and what kind of scholarships they provide to undergrad and graduate international students so right off the bat depending on what type of research each of the university of california provides they are divided into 10 different colleges and obviously you know they're spread out in the state of california itself so ucs are super popular and if you kind of look at the stats for the last few years you can see that they roughly admitted anywhere between 17 to 19 000 international students and i think that's a pretty good diverse ratio considering that there are so many students that apply to all of the ucs domestic and international so let's talk about some interesting facts because you know i love telling you guys these really cool things that i find when i do my research for these videos um in terms of like the biggest uc that enrolls the most number of students it's ucla and ucla enrolled 31 000 undergraduate students last year and in terms of the smallest uc which is also the newest of like the gang um it's uc merced that enrolled just 7000 undergrad students and just like a fun fact for you guys when i was applying for my master's there were some programs that i applied for a phd because at that time it was relatively new that you know you could skip masters and from your bachelor's you could directly go to a phd i actually got accepted by uc merced they gave me a full ride and a pretty good stipend but i ended up turning down their offer to go to cornell instead so i know that it gets a little confusing because collectively all of them are known as the uc's but they are actually individual colleges so they have one portal which is the university of california application portal that you use to apply to all of the uc's but you have to select each individual college that you want to apply to now out of all of them they're not equal in terms of like acceptance rate and other like merit based criteria and just for example the two most competitive ucs are ucla that has an 8.6 acceptance rate and uc berkeley that has an 11.4 acceptance rate with both of these acceptance rates the ucs also mentioned things like minimum gpa requirements and just rough numbers so that a student who's applying can get an idea of somewhat of like what the profile should look like and how he or she would compare to other students that are also applying now the fee structure is a little complicated because when you open the website to look at the cost of attendance they have it segregated into three parts in-state out-of-state and then international and just so it's clear any student that's coming as an international student the international fee will apply to you for all four years and roughly your tuition fee will be around like forty six thousand dollars seven thousand dollars in books supplies and insurance and roughly seventeen to twenty thousand dollars in living expenses for my master's and phd students you can expect a tuition fee of upwards of 28 000 and this can vary from department to department so you'll need to go into the specific area of interest that you're looking for and see what the fee structure is over there so listening to these numbers you guys must be thinking that the ucs must be providing some sort of aid right like right um but unfortunately i have some pretty bad news for you guys uh i looked a lot and when i say a lot i really dig down into those like sub pages on literally all of the nine or ten ucs that are available and what i ultimately found was that there is minimal scholarships given to international students directly from the college itself and the little bit of scholarship that they do provide is in the form of merit-based scholarship but apart from that there is no need based scholarship for international students so css profile nope and what they actually suggest international students do is actually find external sources of funding and i'll put some examples of those on the screen right now before you close this video because i said there are no scholarships there is a trade-off and a big reason why students come to study the university of california it's in the silicon valley and there are so many job opportunities surrounded by companies like google amazon meta and others but basically it provides a good environment for you to do co-ops and potential internships and ultimately even find a really high paying job the data suggests that on average after you graduate you can expect to earn anywhere between 100 to 150 000 as a bachelor student and that is good enough to cope up and even repay any loans that you potentially have as a master's student you can expect to earn anywhere between 150 to 200 000 and i also saw some salaries that ranged upwards of 200 000 now because california in general is known as the silicon valley there's so many startups as well as well established companies there is a wide variety of opportunities and that's what makes the uc's the prime spot for students to come and complete their education now unlike most colleges in the us applying to the ucs can be a little confusing because they have their own separate application they don't use common app or coalition they have a uc portal where you can apply to all of the nine ucs and the reason why you have to apply to all of the colleges separately is because you need to first understand which colleges offer the major that you want and then select that and add it into the portal now the portal is very interactive and honestly it was fun to kind of like scroll around the uc map to see how all of the nine ucs are spread out the ucs have pretty strict minimum academic requirements and what i mean by this is on their website they clearly state that in your high school you have to complete a certain set of subjects before you can even qualify to apply now these subjects basically include things like history language science um some sort of like math one math two and if you kind of like select your country you can scroll down and look at the minimum marks that you would require in your 12th board exam to satisfy their minimum criteria now if you scroll down to india for example you can see that you need to have a minimum of 70 percent and no subject score should be less than 60 so it's not like that high of a requirement but they do have these specific guidelines so let's take a look at all the documents and things that they require for your undergrad application the first thing on the list is transcripts now i know that in common app everyone is used to submitting 9 to 12 but ucs go a step further and they ask you to submit your marks all the way from grade 7 to 12. like that is exaggerating a bit but i guess they want to have like a thorough academic history of the student um so yeah be prepared to have like report cards and mark sheets of like all of those grades now you don't have to send in these transcripts just yet all of these are self-reported which means that on the portal you just have to fill out the grades that you got and the sending the transcript part only comes into the picture if you're admitted number two on the list are test scores now the ucs make it very clear that if you give the sat or act they will not consider it in their decision to admit you so if you have a good score you can definitely submit it but it's not going to affect your application in any way in my opinion i feel like that is a good thing it allows the college to look at your overall profile rather than just one competitive exam score so it gives you know all the students like better chances of being able to express themselves number three on the list is the annual income now this is an optional section where you can add your parents income but remember that for international students the uc's don't provide need-based financial aid so just in my opinion i feel like this is really not necessary for international students especially because the ucs are need aware universities when it comes to international students so because adding those financial details isn't going to get you any aid it's prob you're probably better off just avoiding that section altogether number four on our list is activities and honestly this was my favorite section when i was going through all of uh the bullet points here because the uc's allow you to add up to 20 activities and you can choose from like different categories that they have there is honors there's extracurricular activities awards educational experiences coursework volunteering and even work experience and unlike common app that just gives you like 150 characters which is one sentence to explain an entire activity the uc's actually provide 350 characters which sum up to like a couple sentences to explain what you did and i'm going to give you guys a little tip on how you should best use this space now let's say i'm a high school student and i was the captain of the school basketball team now one way i could write this is i could name the activity as sports captain and i could write that i created team tactics and played inter-school matches now there's nothing wrong with this you know i could definitely write more but i'm providing all the information that they've asked for now another way i could write this is i could name the activity sports captain hyphen women's basketball team at bethany high which provides more information right in the title of what i was the sport that i did and the school and then just and in the description i can write something like organized and ran bi-weekly team meetings for strategy set up team training sessions with the coach brainstormed and created group activities to improve teamwork and updated team members through monthly newsletters participated and won five inter-school basketball tournaments now when you actually like compare both of these side by side it's the exact same activity and there's no right or wrong between both of them they're both perfectly fine but it's about how precisely you're able to express what you did what your roles and responsibilities were how you contributed and if there were any challenges or new things you brought to the table so the more information you can provide in this section the better off you'll be now you guys didn't think that the list was over right i mean we haven't tackled the biggest part essays but wait the uc's don't call them essays they're called personal insight questions don't ask me why but basically on the portal itself they give you the option of eight personal insight questions and you have to pick and answer any four of them now the word limit for these questions is anywhere between 250 to 350 words so about like half a page worth of answer which is not bad at all so you're not writing like pages worth of essays but these are like really creative questions for example they they may ask you about leadership some place where you were creative a challenge that you were able to solve or an ability or talent that you like to showcase now these are just examples but all eight questions that you guys see you have to pick any for and write about that and if you guys need like final touches from ivy league pros um someone who's actually done gone through the process you guys can check out the essay reviews at incognito now the next section that i want to talk about is the additional information section and it's a pretty small section um it's not too relevant and it's optional but the reason i bring it up is a lot of students you know asked me that they didn't do so well in grade eight or they had a personal issue because of which they didn't do great in a subject or in grade nine they failed and how would this impact their overall application now this additional information section is a chance for you to explain these type of situations so you can actually tell the admissions committee if you had a setback or a failure or something going on in your personal life you can give reasoning behind that and then show the positive that you did you know come out of it and you were able to improve after that so this is your space to tell them anything that you need to that you haven't already the last part are the letters of recommendation and i have great news for you guys ucs don't require any lors um after they give you the admission they may ask for a reference which is also a maybe when you're submitting your application you don't need to submit any letters of recommendation the applications for fall 2023 have already opened so you guys can create your uc portal online for free and you could submit your applications anytime from october 1st to november 30th so until now we've covered everything you need to know if you're applying as an undergrad student to the ucs so coming to my graduate students masters and phds you guys won't be applying through the common uc portal each one of the uc universities has its own individual portal that you can apply to so my step one would be to browse through you know all nine or ten universities and see which one actually has the research lab or the area that you're interested in pursuing your graduate education and then you can go to their portal and apply now in terms of the requirements they'll pretty much stay the same as the undergrad requirements and in addition to that since you guys are applying for a grad degree you also need to submit your undergrad transcripts so coming to the aid for graduate students now i want to kind of divide this into two parts there's a couple programs that don't have any aid for example the masters of engineering programs but the advantage to these programs is that it's a one-year course it's basically the same program that i did at cornell they don't offer any outright aid when you enroll but since you're able to finish the program in one year you can immediately start working in an industry of your area immediately after that so you're eligible to get your opt and stem work authorization and you know it's a really fast degree but on the other hand research based masters or phds have stipends uh they may you know have you work as a ta or ra to earn your monthly like amount and cover up your tuition fee so that's pretty common among all u.s colleges and uc is included all right guys so that's all that i had for this video and if you guys are watching till this point like a big thank you i know that this video got a little long but there was just so much information i wanted to like get put out there the process is a little different for the ucs um but i hope that you know this video made it easier for you guys to understand uh the road to success series has been going great if we can get this video to 500 likes i would like literally love you guys um but today's question that i have for you guys is what sport do you like to watch on tv and who is your goat mine is hold on wait i'm going to show you steph curry so this is the only jersey of any player that i have and i got this in like 2015 um i think i got it in boston actually i've seen him play once live um it was uh the cleveland versus golden state warriors game in cleveland but i it's kind of like my all-time dream to watch him play um in his home court i feel like that vibe in general would be just something that i'd like to experience at least once so let me know yours in the comments below um like the video subscribe if you haven't already and i will see you guys tomorrow .
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